i was installing windows xp professional on a new pc and then after the stage of entering product keys it continue fine,on the stage of setup network component,then the machine give me blue screen with massage saying restart and boot to save mode to disable shadowing and i restart then it gaveme the same error.then i tryed to start the installation from the bigining and it didnt allow to run setup disk.machine prompt me to press enter to boot from cd.then after i find anather error saying "' cannot read the disk please press cntrl ,alt and delete to restart"'.when retrying i got the same massage , then i try another cd it says the same.i try another cd for symetec xp image to install the image .the DVD drive is able to run the image disk and proceed with the image,and didnt complete the installation due to lack of some files on the disk.this shows me that the dvddrive is working and now i wounder why it can only read the disk for image and cannot read the operating system disk.what can i do to resolve this problem.please help me you can alsoemail me at