I badly damaged my WinXP installation and only way of restoring it was to insert orig WinXP Cd and choose 'repair' which did restore the OS. The only unwanted effect, it created a new 'User Account and a new empty 'My Documents' default folder.
I want to use my old 'My Documents' folder that was accessible under the 'Administrator' login., and still contains all my huge old user data, togther with highly structured dated folders which I rely on to help sort my info. -the old My Docs tree structure is still there, its just a pain not having it as the default
Does anyone know of a simple secure way to login to Windows reusing my old My Docs folders ?
I think if I could get the pc at boot time to prompt me to log into my old account, which was called simple 'Administrator' - then my old 'My Docs' and folder tree should appear ?
I tried getting back to my old login by following the 'User Accounts' advice to Start>Logout>Switch Users - but it only offered me 1 choice of new account name which takes me back to the 'new' my docs, no choice of Administrator.
How do I get back to Administrator login ?