I hope someone can help me in this forum.
In the last few months I have been searching the net for a generic supervga driver that allows me at least 256 colors and 800x600 pixels under Win98. (Win9X standard VGA only has 16 colors, 640x480 pixels).
I know that such a driver comes built-in with Windows XP Professional.
As far as I have seen, this new operating system configures almost every video card with a high resolution, even if it does not know the exact model of the video card. XP "Safe Mode" has also a much better resolution, compared with the poor old 640x480/16clr of Win9X Safe Mode.
What I need is a generic driver that makes Win98 behave similar than WinXP.
In some cases I have been able to break down the 640x480 barrier with Win98 built-in SuperVGA driver, but I have never been able to get more than 16 colors. 800x600/16clr is the best I can obtain from Win98 supervga.drv.
I learnt that MS-DOS is able to get 65536 colors and 800x600 using VESA BIOS Extensions (INT 10h, subfunction 4Fh). I have tried a lot of cards and everyone seems to support these BIOS extensions, that makes me think that there must exist some sort of "generic VESA SVGA driver for Win9X". But I could not find anything so far.
Thank you very much for your attention,
and sorry if the text is too long.
Diedrich Schultz.